The Euro Investments Overseas Group is required by paragraph 16 Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016 to publish a group tax strategy.
With regard to the requirements of paragraph 17 ibid, the Group’s approach to risk management is to minimise such risks to the greatest extent possible whether this be in relation to tax compliance work or transactions planning. As a commercial organisation, tax is considered to be a cost similar to others and accordingly, where possible, should be minimised within the constraints of the law. The Group only undertakes transactions it is prepared to fully disclose and does not undertake transactions that are without strong underlying commercial motivation.
The governance arrangements are ultimately the responsibility of the Senior Accounting Officer, Paul Hallam, who manages compliance for employee taxes, VAT and stamp taxes. The work on corporation tax and the annual tax on enveloped dwellings is delegated to Bruce Hunter, Tax Manager.
The Group’s attitude to tax planning is to balance the requirements of the law and pay tax with its responsibility to its shareholders. The Group will not enter into any arrangements that would be notifiable to the tax authorities under mandatory disclosure regimes. The commercial needs of the Group are paramount and all tax planning will be considered in this context. All transactions must therefore have a business purpose or commercial rationale. The Group is conscious of the requirements of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 and reflects these in its internal procedures.
The level of risk in relation to UK taxation that the Group is prepared to accept is regarded as being extremely low. Where the matter is subject to interpretation and is material, third party advice would be sought either from outside advisors or HMRC. The notification of uncertain tax treatments which applies for corporation tax, value added tax and PAYE returns has been noted. The Group will respond should the need arise.
The Group’s approach to dealing with HMRC is to seek, wherever possible, to make tax filings, reporting and payments on a timeous basis thereby minimising any call on HMRC’s resources. The Group tries to resolve any enquiries quickly and with a minimum of discord.
The Group’s UK tax strategy was approved by the Board of Fairhold Services Limited on 17 January 2024. The Group’s UK tax strategy is published by being included on the website of Estates & Management Limited, a subsidiary of Fairhold Services Limited.